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MINUTES from Parent Meeting |
Dear Parent’s & Players,
On behalf of the Coaching Staff, I’d like to welcome each and every one of you to the Delaware Peewee Baseball Club. We’d like to encourage EVERYONE to get involved with this team! As you will see (below), we need a number of people assisting at each and every game and/or practice. In order to be successful, we want you (parents and players) to become an integral part of this team -- we want to encourage your involvement. We will gladly accept your assistance on the field (ie: at practices), fund-raising, scorekeeping, pitch-count recording, tournament organizer, etc. For example, having someone to feed the pitching machine (at any given practice), frees-up another resource...
• Good behaviour is expected both on and off the field -- by both players and parents. Our team employs zero tolerance towards swearing and/or improper behaviour. It is expected that we set a good example for all. • RESPECT for others is a MUST. That includes teammates, opposing players, coaches, parents, as well as officials • If there is an on-field conflict, this will be handled by the Coaches (Note: We already know a good umpire never changes his/her mind – but sometimes we need to have a little chat with them - LOL) • Players are expected to be on time for Games and Practices • Once there (remembering this a ‘team’ effort), all players will assist in getting the diamond ready for Practice. (ie: Take equipment out of storage/hung-up, bases in place, etc). Similarly, once Practice has finished, a team effort is expected in putting everything away -- in its proper place. This should happen before anyone leaves. • Players should be at the diamond... 45 minutes prior to a HOME game -- ready to take an infield 30 minutes prior to game time 30 minutes prior to an AWAY game -- ready to take an infield 15 minutes prior to game time • These are LDBA Rules - not ours. But in order to be ‘on time’ we have to stick within these timeframes • Please, no parents/siblings, etc on the bench during games -- unless carded by OBA • Similarly, no players should be in the stands during a Game • Proper equipment must be worn at all times. No jock = no game. Out-of-uniform and player ‘X’ cannot play. NOTE: This will be enforced by the umpires as the year goes on. Players MUST wear their designated ‘team uniform’ [which includes ball cap], or player will not be able to play. Again, these are LDBA Rules. • Players are expected to attend ALL Practices. If parents/players cannot make this commitment, please inform us ASAP. Our families are making sacrifices that allow us to attend games and practices; and the expectation is that all others will do the same. A player will improve more/take more from one practice then he will in ten games so it is imperative they attend ALL practices. • We will shorten the bench for disciplinary reasons only. (ie: If player ‘X’ misbehaves, tardiness and/or failure to make practices may also have the same results).
• Moving from Mosquito to Peewee, or Minor Peewee to Major Peewee, there are a number of ‘Rule Changes’. The style of baseball in now a truer sense of the professional game. • For example, players are now allowed to lead-off/steal bases. The distance between bases is longer; now 75 feet. Pitchers are allowed to pick-off runners, but can also be called for a balk if not properly executed. The pitching distance is greater; now 50 feet. • One of the biggest rule changes over the past few years -- the PITCH COUNT rule. • At ALL levels of play, the OBA (Ontario Baseball Association) and our governing body, the LDBA (London & District Baseball Association), have implemented “Pitch Count” rules to protect the arms of young players. • At the Peewee Level, player “X” can only throw a maximum of 80 pitches per game. If this limit is reached while facing a batter the pitcher may complete pitching to that batter. • If a pitcher throws more than (Peewee = 55 pitches) in a calendar day, he/she cannot pitch the next day. The player must then have 2 nights rest. • Pitch Counts for each and every pitcher in a game, MUST BE sent in to the Convenor at the conclusion of said game... and MUST BE recorded [and verified] by the opposing Manager on the game sheet • In Peewee baseball, teams may utilize 10 batters in the starting line-up. (In other words, if team “X” has 12 players on their roster, 2 players would ‘sit’ to start each game). The tenth/additional batter shall be deemed as the EP/extra player. The option to use the EP must be declared when handing in the line-up card prior to the start of the game. The EP may bat in any place in the batting order. The EP will be considered a defensive position and eligible for re-entry. • As you can imagine, there are a ton of ‘other’ rules. So you see, ‘Managing’ a squad is a very big task, one which gets even more complicated as the game progresses. • If you are interested in reading up on the “Rules of Baseball”, please see the link at: http://www.baseballontario.com/Umpires/news/rules.aspx?TopMenuID=10002 ... and that is only the beginning.
• Schedules were handed out the other night, please disregard these now as they are already out-of-date. • Moving forward, please reference this website for game/practice dates and times • This website will be the PRIMARY SOURCE for future changes/updates – so please reference this site often! • If there are changes to our schedule, we will follow-up w/you via email notification NOTE: We are going to try this site for the next month or so, to see if it’s ‘working’ for people. If not, we’ll look for another alternative. Please let us know your feedback. • Please note we still have one game to add to our master schedule. Once we have booked this game, we will let you know ASAP. • ALL London & District games start at 6:00 pm sharp unless noted otherwise. Please read your schedule carefully, as “game times” seem to fluctuate quite a bit this year! • Wherever possible, we have tried to avoid playing on a long weekend. At the end-of-the-day, these are young boys, and we believe they should enjoy their summer! However, we may be mandated to play a makeup game the Monday night of a long weekend, as this is an LDBA requirement.
• Please let us know your Holiday Schedules ASAP. IF we know we will be missing a number of players, we may need to AP from the younger ranks. (We have until June 30th to change any current games dates/times – and to have them rescheduled without penalty. Once that date has passed, we are locked-in for the rest of the summer and will forfeit future games if we cannot field a team). • Please let us know of any conflicts that you may foresee, and I will try to work around them. • As per our meeting, our Peewee numbers are low this year. Therefore, it is imperative that you contact either Gary (519.640.9408) or Ken (519.902.7006) ASAP, if you are going to be away. Please give us as much notice as possible.
• We are looking at a couple of tournaments (maximum), on top of the LDBA League Playdown Tournament (August 21st, 2009 – a tournament we MUST play in, or we face a fine. This is the only confirmed Tournament to date. • As mentioned previously, Delaware is a “D” classification organization (based upon population). Even though we will be playing “AA” status during the regular season, we will attempt to find a “D” tournament to participate. (This will give us a good indication of our competition level should we qualify for OBA’s/the provincial tournament Labour Day weekend). From what we know today, our boys would/should have a good shot at the OBA Tournament. • Please let us know if you have any questions and/or comments re: Tournaments...
• Rather than entering a number of Tournaments throughout the summer, we could do one tournament, and then... • With connections to the London Majors – we could have a DMBMB Peewee Day at Labatt Park • We could make another trip to the Rogers Centre for a Major League Baseball game • Other ideas – let’s hear them!?...
• Throughout the season we will have numerous expenses to take into consideration. (ie: Tournament fees/expenses, End-of-year celebrations, etc). On that note, we’d like to ask each player for $150.00 to offset the cost of these expenses. • We will let you know WHO to pass this $$$ on too ... as soon as we elect a team Treasurer.
• As indicated, we need a number of people to assist us throughout the year. The more hands we have – the better! Positions which we’d like to see filled ASAP: • Scorekeepers (Would like to have at least 2-3 people we can count on for this role) ** • Pitch Count recorders (Same comments as above) ** • Team Treasurer • Parent Rep • Tournament/Activity Organizer (Can be more than one person) • Practice Coaches/Assistance (No limit here. The more people we have for this, the better the practices should run! Ideally, we’d like to run ‘stations’ at each Practice. The more assistance we have, the better the experience for everyone!)
** We would like to have at least one person for each of these roles, per game
• Medical forms will be handed out shortly. Please complete and return to Ken ASAP.
• As you will quickly find out (if you haven’t already), I communicate A LOT via email. I have also figured out the wonderful world of “texting”. I will use both means to contact you BEFORE I pickup a phone. Therefore, please check your email often! • Please confirm your contact information with us – I will be coming around to you shortly for verification purposes. Please include your email address and cell numbers where possible.
• Fundraising... • I forgot to discuss this topic w/you the other night – I apologize. Each of the DMBMB Competitive teams has been asked to provide Sponsorship money to offset costs. (FYI, it costs nearly triple the $$$ to operate a Competitive team over a local House League team. For example, more $$$ required for umpires, LDBA and OBA registrations are more expensive, etc, etc. Additionally, our equipment costs are nearly double to that of a HL team. ie: We require double the baseballs, better bats (to be competitive w/other teams, and yes, bats DO make a difference). We recently purchased two ‘fat bats’ for our team, at a cost of over $500. • Long story short, we need to come up with a creative idea to raise funds!! Let us know your thoughts.......!! • Picture Day will be either June 16 or 17th – exact date/time TBA • Water – please be sure the boys bring their own supply to each game/practice... • Helmets – Your call... we have 4-5 team helmets, but most of the boys prefer to buy their own. • Parent Reps – Please feel free to use them whenever possible... that’s why they are there! • 24 Hour Rule – If you have a Coaching related problem, I encourage you to use the ‘24-Hour Rule’. Parents should wait 24 hours to decide whether or not to take up problems concerning the Coaching. (You’d be surprised to see ‘how often’ this diffuses a situation). If the problem still exists, please take this up with either Ken or Gary, and/or discuss with the Parent Reps.
Updated by Ken Whittaker, Thu May 21, 2009 @ 3:47 PM 0 Comments
Wed Jan 22, 2025 |
No events are scheduled. |
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